

WraithSwap is an automated market-making (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Fantom Opera network. Different from other AMMs, we're invested in building a strong set of defi platforms with our WRA and SYF tokens as a governance token, reflection token, NFT utility token, and diverse farms.

Token swaps on WraithSwap are a simple way to trade one token for another via automated liquidity pools. When you swap (trade) on the exchange, you will pay a 0.3% trading fee. Conversely, when you provide liquidity, you will earn that fee.

If you are wanting to list your token on our AMM, please contact an admin in our Telegram or Discord so we can get you whitelisted!

WraithSwap Analytics: https://info.wraithswap.finance

Wraith Fields: https://fields.wraithswap.finance

Wraith and Syfin Voting: https://vote.wraithswap.finance

WraithSwap Factory: 0xCC738D2fDE18fe66773b84c8E6C869aB233766D1

WraithSwap Router: 0x8C9E059a729C17fB294cd782eB66Df3871D29173

WRA Contract: 0x4cf098d3775bd78a4508a13e126798da5911b6cd

WRA MasterChef: 0x37b106f101a63D9d06e53140E52Eb6F8A3aC5bBc

Last updated