About Sy.Finance


SYF HOMEPAGE - https://sy.finance

SYF DAPP - https://app.sy.finance

SYF NFT MARKET - https://syfin.art

WraithSwap - https://wraithswap.finance

WraithSwap Fields - https://fields.wraithswap.finance

WraithSwap Analytics - https://info.wraithswap.finance

Wraith and Syfin Voting Proposals - https://vote.wraithswap.finance

SYF WHITEPAPER - https://sy.finance/SYFIN_white_paper.pdf

SYF Twitter - https://twitter.com/syfinance

SYF Telegram - https://t.me/fantomsyfin

SYF Discord - https://discord.gg/kq63ZWAJzz

SYF Chart - Chart Link

Sy.finance & Wraith Github: https://github.com/sy-finance

BUY SYF: https://wraithswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=FTM&outputCurrency=0x1bcf4dc879979c68fa255f731fe8dcf71970c9bc

ADD LIQUIDITY: https://wraithswap.finance/add/0x1bcf4dc879979c68fa255f731fe8dcf71970c9bc/FTM

All Syfin contracts are verified on chain upon deployment. If you are wishing to get in contact with the team or have an inquiry or partnership, please email syfinance@protonmail.com.

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